Centrul Mladinski din Nova Gorica, Slovenia, organizeaza un schimb de tineri ce se va derula in prima saptamana a lunii iulie 2009. Titlul proiectului este “USE IT AND KEEP IT – WHAT CAN WE DO FOR OUR PLANET” Centrul cauta tineri din 3 state UE, pentru a candida la termenul limita 1 aprilie.
Applicant and coordinator of the youth exchange:
Mladinski center Nova Gorica (Slovenia)
Youth exchange will take place in town of Nova Gorica in Slovenia in the
first week of July 2009.
We are looking for groups of young people from 3 EU countries that are:
1. curious
2. creative
3. responsible
4. interested in ecology and responsible environmental care
We are looking for a young group of 5 persons:
2 girls and 2 boys aged from 18 to 25 + 1 group leader
Field: ecology, recycling of waste, application of renewable energy sources
Theme: For reasons of increasing envoronmental problems caused by the
pollution, ecology is one of the most important subjects today. This
subject concerns young people as well as the future generation. In this
youth exchange the participants will get to know and explore the
importance of preserving nature, recycling of waste and implementation of
renewable energy sources.
Before noon activities:
1. visiting the laboratory (with presentation) in The faculty of
Environmental Sciences of the University of Nova Gorica
2. visiting Pipistrel and it’s Scientific Institute for Aircraft Design &
Applicable Technologies with the Slovenia’s largest solar power plant in
combination with gas cogeneration
3. visiting the refuse dump in the local area
4. environment cleaning campaign on the outskirts of Nova Gorica
5. visiting the biodynamic garden of the Biotechnical secondary school
Afternoon and evening activities:
1. workshops in the Cultural center Mostovna – making useful and esthetic
objects from waste materials which will be presented on an art exhibition
at the conclusion of the exchange
2. discussions about environmental problems – how to regain consciousness
about the importance of dividing waste for recycling, what can us
individuals do to help the preservation of Earth (air, water, soil,…) and
possible solutions in the field of renewable energy sources
3. presentation evenings of participants
We have to emphasize that we would like the participants to be motivated
in taking part of this youth exchange and willing to do some work
preparation before coming to youth exchange in Nova Gorica.
Before coming to youth exchange we are asking you to prepare:
1. ideas for the above mentioned workshops (you will get more details
2. the presentation of the ecological situation and legislation which
concern the environmental issues in your country
3. evening presentations made by the participants
If you are interested in joining us, please do not hesitate to contact us
and send us as soon as possible signed and stamped the PART III and
preliminary agreement by:
1. ordinary mail
2. fax
We will apply before deadline of 1st april 2009 in the frame of Youth in
action (2007-2013).
The deadline to send us the required documents is 1st March 2009.
We are looking forward to collaborating with you.
Contact person for the project:
Kristina Marussig Markova
Coordinator of international youth cooperation
kristina.marussig. markova.@ mc-ng.org
Telephone: 00386 5 333 40 20
Mobile number: 00386 41 622 601
Fax: 00386 5 333 40 22
Best regards,
Dimitrij Marusic
Bazoviska 4
TEL.+386 5 333 40 20
TEL.+386 5 333 40 21