WUS Austria in partnership with Student Alliance from Moldova with the financial support of Austrian Development Cooperation highly encourage all undergraduate and postgraduate students studying Law, Economics, Management, Political Sciences, International Relations, Diplomacy, Sociology, Information Technologies and other related disciplines to apply for one of the following competitions:
• Business Case Competition
• Law Moot Court Case
• Information Communication Technology Case Competition
• Model of European Council
Moldova Case Challenge will take place between the dates of 9-10 of April, 2010. The winners of the Sub Competitions will compete in the BCC 2010 International Case Study Competition in Vienna , 5-11 of July, 2010. Prerequisite for participants to compete in the Sub-Competitions is a successful admission via an online process, following established criteria. Please find further details for the application under www.bcchallenge. org.
DEADLINE: March 1, 2010 !!!
In addition, the Balkan Case Challenge 2010 facilitates recruitment processes during the Sub-Competitions and the BCC 2010 International Case Study Competition, where students present themselves to potential employers and representatives of international companies get the chance to recruit future staff from the region.
The Sub-Competitions consist of three parts: 1) Training modules; 2) Case Study Competition; 3) Recruitment Event
The BCC 2010 International Case Study Competition in Vienna consists of two parts: 1) The International Case Study Competition; 2) The job fair “Career Day South-Eastern Europe”..
The competition will be entirely conducted in English!
For further information: www.bcchallenge. org
Irina AGA
Balkan Case Challenge
Local Coordinator
Student Alliance from Moldova
bcc_moldova@bcchallenge. org