Un grup de tineri dansatori cu varste intre 15-17 ani din Grecia este in cautarea unui grup similar din Europa pentru derularea unui schimb de tineri avand ca tema comunicarea si exprimarea prin dans.
Pentru cei interesati, adresa de contact este: info@diavlos-vol.gr
Mai multe detalii gasiti mai jos:


We are a dancing group of 10 – 15 young boys and girls from Greece, 15-17
years old, and we want to meet with a similar group of young people from
neighbouring countries from the Balkans, Italy or other European countries
to communicate and express ourselves through dancing, to exchange dance
moves through dance courses, to organize a dance festival and to explore
together the beautiful scenery of our hometown Volos, which is located in
Thessaly, Central Greece, and the neighbouring mountain Pelion with its
beautiful shores and beaches.

We dance modern dances like Latin and R ‘n’ B.

Leaders: Kehagia Artemis
Charvala Katerina

If you are interested please contact the group directly.

Youth Information Center “DIAVLOS”
Tel. +30 24210 25363 * Fax + 30 24210 33692
e-mail: info@diavlos- vol.gr