Un grup de tineri din Kowari, Polonia, este in cautare de parteneri pentru derularea unui schimb bilateral avand ca tema traditiile populare si teatrul. Schimbul va avea loc in perioada 18-27 septembrie 2009, in
Kowary, Polonia. Proiectul va fi depus la termenul limita 1 iunie.
Data limita pentru trimiterea acordului de parteneriat (Part III din formularul de candidatura pe Actiunea 1.1) este: 20 mai 2009
Adresa de contact: kowary@eurodesk. org
Mai multe detalii despre proiect si grup gasiti in mesajul alaturat:
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we want to invite to take part in bilateral youth exchange “Youth &
Tradition – folk dances and theatre as the way of interregional
cooperation” which will take place in Kowary, Poland 18-27th of September
2009. This is bilateral exchange so our partner will have to apply to his
NA for money for journey – the application form is done and I can send it.
The application form must be sent until the 1th of June and the partner
organization at this time cannot organize other projects from Youth in
Action. The project will be ended by 11th of December 2009.
Who we search?
young people between 17 – 22 years old (the number of women and men should
be the same but it isn’t necessary)
people who can present their national dances or can play in theatre
Deadline: 20th of May 2009
Who we are?
We are the group of young people, who spend their free time in Urban
Centre of Culture in Kowary. We are engaged in various forms of
activities, for example we play on the stage. By this time we have run
plays which were made by us – youth from Kowary. During one of the
meetings we have claimed that it will be good to make “something” which
could develop our passion. At that time we got the help from consultant
of Eurodesk – he offered us help in organizing youth exchange. Thanks that
we can have an opportunity to meet other young people and make together
the new quality of youth-plays. We would like to get to know techniques
which are used by our peers from other country. We are absolutely
convinced that connecting ours experiences and gained knowledge we could
create innovative play about our roots.
About our project
The project is about Legend Folk Stories. Each country has got their own
parables about nation, customs and traditions. So we will present it the
others from different state in order to get to know our cultures. The
project will be showed also the audience from our towns – we hope that it
will have influence on local society and people will be interested in our
actions. Our play will be showed without saying anything, the story will
be told only by body movement and pantomime actions.
– writing script
– making costumes (also buying fabrics to make them)
– preparing workshops of intergation
– inviting local media (press, television)
– preparing attractions for guests (trips: transport, tickets, food)
– buying products which will be needed to make stage design
– ordering t-shirts for participants
– workshops of integrations
– trials of play
– stage movement workshops
– dance workshops
– playing pun in order to develop creativity
– pantomime workshops
– one-day trip to Wroclaw
– trip to adits in Kowary
– visit in the Lower Silesia Monuments’ Miniatures Park
– meeting with participants of Project
– writing the next screenplay which will be based on this event
– contacting with (we hope) friends in order to discuss this exchange but
looking on it from a perspective
– workshops about Programme “Youth in Action”
– opening the exhibition “Youth & Tradition – folk dances and theatre as
the way of interregional cooperation. Youth in Action.”
– making CDs for all participants with photos, relations etc.
– publishing newsletter about exchange
– publishing in local newspaper essay about feelings after exchange which
will be written by one of the participants.
If you have questions please write us.
Warm regards
Michal Cichosz
Lokalny Punkt Informacyjny Eurodesku w Kowarach
Gminne Centrum Wolontariatu
Konsultanci: Michal Cichosz, Tomek Dembiski
ul. Szkolna 2, 58-530 Kowary
tel./fax (75) 64 56 113, e-mail kowary@eurodesk. org