Un grup din Franta vrea sa realizeze un schimb intr-o alta tara. Pentru mai multe informatii, ii puteti contacta direct. Detalii in mesajul de mai jos:

We look for a partner for an exchange of young people ( European program
1.1 )
Our group: It is composed from 9 young people, 7 girls (Emma, Chloé,
Céline, Kenza, Manon, Margot, Clemence) and 2 boys (Jules and Luc).~ They
have between 14 and 16 years old.~ We form part of an association: ~ The
MELI (House of Expression and Leisures of Issoudun) in France.~ This
exchange would be our first one and the group wish to realize it in your
country.~ ~
~The project:
We chose as thematic the protection of environment and the natural
heritage. During the exchange we would like to meet professionals who act
to protect the environment so that they explain to us how they act. We
would like also to exchange on the various techniques organized in each of
our respective countries.
Our final goal is to realize together a notebook games for children from 4
to 6 years old to make them increase about the environmental protection.
This notebook would give to them information on the environment in a
simple and playful way. At the end of this notebook we would like to
insert a questionnaire with answers detailed for the parents in order to
imply them also.
In parallel we would like to create a menu mixing the flavours of our two
countries. For realize it, we shall bring typical food from our country.
Ingredients of natural origins will be necessary. That’s why we thought of
going to a Truck farmer. This is and opportunity for obtain information on
the natural or biological culture.~
~The young people wish to realize this exchange from 11 until 25 of July.
We can modify these dates if you need it.
~I hope that this project will please to your young people.
~The delays are very reduced, I ask you for a fast answer.
~Are you interested ? My~group count on you !

Claire Boulet (bouletclaire@ hotmail.com)